By Barb Bellesini

The pandemic, and bushfires in Australia, have left everyone effected in some way. Loss of:- Privileges, jobs, homes, family contact, travel, sport, gyms, medical support, weddings, lives, funerals, celebrations, visitors, even toilet paper!! There is also loneliness, isolation, depression and uncertainty. It will effect some now, others in a few months or even years.

No one can learn or think clearly when they are anxious. The Amygdala, the part of the brain that controls emotions, takes over. It feels THREAT, and is trying to keep us safe, but the brain can’t tell if it is REAL or PERCEIVED threat. It sends out the Fight or Flight message. The ANXIOUS brain needs to be CALMED and feel SAFE before being able to make a good decisions.

Watch this three minute video for one approach to anxiety. NIP= Notice Inquire Plan

NIP =Notice Inquire Plan

Revisit the post below to remind yourself of things to do to calm yourself, students, family, friends.

Some good books on Anxiety: Hey Warrior – Karen Young; Hey Awesome – Karen Young; When I’m Feeling NERVOUS – Trace Moroney; My Calm Me Down Book – Trace Moroney; When I’m Feeling Sad – Trace Moroney; The Huge Bag of Worries– Virginia Ironside; Anxiety Sucks- Teen Survival Guide– Natasha Daniels