How can we Dis-empower Bullies??

Bullying is hurtful, if you let it go on, it can change your life. If you are Cyber Bullied or someone bullies you in person, there are ways to help and ways to stop it. You can help yourself and/or you can have others who see it happening help you.

Remember that bullies have often been bullied themselves, could be lonely with few friends, and often have a very low self-esteemTHEY need your help as well as the Victim!

Here are some of the ways the Gr 3-6 students thought of to

TALK– say Stop I don’t like it ;
WALKwalk away from the situation;
TELL Tell an adult and ask for help


SAVE– Print, screen shot, take a pic of the Cyber message for Evidence;
BLOCK– Block, delete and Report the contact;
TELL– tell an adult, show them your evidence, ask for help.

Stand up for the Victim

Step back

Ignore them

DON’T Cyber Bully or bully back

Show the evidence

Write the bully a kind letter, (telling them things that you like about them)

Change their mind

Don’t be a bystander

Get them to join in with you

Build victims confidence- talk to them, get them to play with you

Build the bullies self esteem – tell them about good things they can do, invite them to play with you, be kind to them- you might find they become kinder as well!

Use humour

Listen to both sides- ask Why they are bullying? How can we fix this?

Help to stop the fight

Be nice to them

Be friends with the person being bullied, stand up for them, play with them

Tell them something good about themselves

Don’t be a bystander, get others to help

Ignore and be friends again

Tell your teacher and mum and dad

Invite them to your place to play

Invite them to your birthday party

How will you Dis-empower and help both the Victims and Bullies????

ePoster Don’t be a Bystander


ePoster Cyber Bullying